Arabic Cusine

Lamb Mechbous

1/2 Kilo Lamb shoulder, cut into pieces
1 1/2 cups basmati rice, washed and drained
3 tomatoes, chopped
2 onions chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1/2 cup sultana raisins
1 green chili
2 Tablespoons tomatoe paste
1 lamb stock cube
2 teaspoons mixed arab spices or all spice
1 t. curry powder
1 t. tumeric powder
pinch cloves
2 sticks cinnamon
1 dried lime, cut in half
salt to taste


Boil lamb until skimmed totally. Soak rice in water with salt for 2 hours.
Sautee onion and garlic. Add spices and sautee for 2 minutes. Add meat and tomatoes and brown a little in the spices. Add the rest of the
ingredients,(except for the raisins, which should be added at the end of the boiling process to prevent them from becoming too big) plus 2 cups water. Cover and simmer for 1 to 2 hours until lamb is very soft. but not falling apart. Add rice to boiling mixture. If the water has evaporated and does not cover the rice, add enough water to top the rice by 1 inch. Turn heat to medium-low and cover. Simmer for 10 minutes without lifting lid. If rice is finished, turn heat to low, top rice with foil, and cover with lid. Do not open for 20 minutes. If the rice isn't finished, add a little water, cover and simmer until the rice is done ( sort of like steaming), then continue to put foil on top of rice and cover for 20 minutes. Do not stir or open lid. Serve with plain yogurt, or yogurt and cucumber soup topped with mint. Also good with sliced tomatoes and onions with salt and lime sprinkled over the vegetables.

This Month's Recipe(s)
Lamb Mechbous
(Mr. Ali Alarai)
Famous Arabian Gulf Recipe!

This Month's Desert
Ruz Bihaleeb - Rice Pudding
(ArabView Network).




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