Arabic Cusine

Ruz Bihaleeb - Rice Pudding

1 cup white rice
2 cups water
3 cups milk
1 cup sugar (adjust to desired sweetness)
1 tbl orange blossom water

Rinse rice and place in a saucepan with water. Cover and simmer over medium fire for 15-20 minutes. Add milk, stirring constantly. When it begins to thick, add sugar and orange blossom water. Continue stirring
constantly until rice is soft or well done. Remove from fire and pour into platter spreading it thinly or in individual bowls. Cool and serve.
This Month's Recipe(s)
Dajaj Beltoom - Garlic Chicken (ArabView Network)

This Month's Desert
Ruz Bihaleeb - Rice Pudding
(ArabView Network).




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